

  1. Scalable Web Architecture and Distributed Systems Kate Matsudaira
  2. Firefox Release Engineering Chris AtLee, Lukas Blakk, John O'Duinn, and Armen Zambrano Gasparnian
  3. FreeRTOS Christopher Svec
  4. GDB Stan Shebs
  5. The Glasgow Haskell Compiler Simon Marlow and Simon Peyton-Jones
  6. Git Susan Potter
  7. GPSD Eric Raymond
  8. The Dynamic Language Runtime and the Iron Languages Jeff Hardy
  9. ITK Luis Ibanez and Brad King
  10. GNU Mailman Barry Warsaw
  11. matplotlib John Hunter and Michael Droettboom
  12. MediaWiki Sumana Harihareswara and Guillaume Paumier
  13. Moodle Tim Hunt
  14. nginx Andrey Alexeev
  15. Open MPI Jeff Squyres
  16. OSCAR Jennifer Ruttan
  17. Processing.js Mike Kamermans
  18. Puppet Luke Kanies
  19. PyPy Benjamin Peterson
  20. SQLAlchemy Michael Bayer
  21. Twisted Jessica McKellar
  22. Yesod Michael Snoyman
  23. Yocto Elizabeth Flanagan
  24. ZeroMQ Martin Sústrik

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