GIMP 2.3.14
GIMP 于近日发布了一个新的开发快照版本——2.3.14,随着该版本的推出,这也预示着 GIMP 的下一个稳定版本 2.4 即将走向用户。由于该版本属于不稳定版本,所以仅供感兴趣的人员测试之用,不建议普通用户使用。
根据 GIMP 官方的说明,此版本的主要更新情况如下:
- added actions to control brush spacing
- polished appearance of image window
- scale the brush's spacing when scaling the brush
- save tool presets when they are changed
- improved handling of vectors in the Python bindings
- allow for auto-cropping the result of the transform tools
- added GimpRatioEntry widget and use it in the rectangle tool options
- added functions to transform between preview and image coordinates
- added PDB functions to validate display, drawable, image and vectors IDs
- added HSL color model to Decompose and Compose plug-ins
- further improved status bar messages for tools
- on systems with D-Bus build gimp-remote functionality into gimp executable
- bug fixes and code cleanup
Download GIMP 2.3.14