VirtualBox 1.3.8 发布
InnoTek 在几天前发布了一个 VirtualBox 的维护更新版 1.3.8。该版本包括许多改善和修正,且针对 Red Hat Enterprise Linux 4 (RHEL4) 和 Mandriva 2007.1 提供了专用的安装包。
VirtualBox 1.3.8 的更改情况如下(引用自官方):
- Windows installer: fixed installation problem if UAC is active
- Linux installer: added RPM for rhel4 and Mandriva 2007.1
- Linux installer: remove any old vboxdrv modules in /lib/modules/*/misc
- Linux installer: many small improvements for .deb and .rpm packages
- Linux installer: improved setup of kernel module
- GUI: Host-Fn sends Ctrl-Alt-Fn to the guest (Linux guest VT switch)
- GUI: fixed setting for Internal Networking
- GUI: show correct audio backend on Windows (dsound)
- GUI: improved error messages if the kernel module is not accessible
- GUI: never fail to start the GUI if the kernel module is not accessible
- VMM: fixed occasional crashes when shutting down Windows TAP device
- VMM: fixed issues with IBM's 1.4.2 JVM in Linux guests
- RDP: fixed color encoding with 24bpp
- BIOS: zero main memory on reboot
- BIOS: added release logging
- USB: fixed parsing of certain devices to prevent VBoxSVC crashes
- USB: properly wakeup suspended ports
- USB: fixed a problem with unplugged USB devices during suspend
- Audio: fixed crashes on Vista hosts
- NAT: allow configuration of incoming connections (aka port mapping)
- Network: hard reset network device on reboot
- iSCSI: fixed a hang of unpaused VMs accessing unresponsive iSCSI disks
- Linux Additions: support Xorg 7.2.x
- Linux Additions: fixed default video mode if all other modes are invalid
- Linux Additions: set default DPI to 100,100
- Linux Additions: fixed initialization of video driver on X server reset
Download VirtualBox 1.3.8