Transmission 1.00 发布
以快速、轻量为显著特点的跨平台 BitTorrent 下载软件 Transmission 于近日正式发布了 1.00 版。据悉,Transmission 1.00 的主要改进包括:现在通过 MiniUPnP 和 libnatpmp 执行端口转发、能够设置全局及每个 torrent 的连接数目、更新了图标等。另外,Transmission 针对 Linux 平台重新设计了主窗口界面、支持 torrent 过滤、添加了统计窗口、以及排序功能。
Transmission 1.00 更改日志
- Port forwarding now performed by MiniUPnP and libnatpmp
- Ability to set global and per-torrent number of connections
- Option to prefer not using encryption
- PEX is now configured globally
- Updated icon
- Redesigned main window interface
- Minimal Mode for showing more torrents in less desktop space
- Torrent filtering
- Port forwarding tester in Preferences
- Statistics window
- Sort by total activity, progress, state, and tracker
- Various other interface additions and improvements
- Restore 'scrape' feature
Transmission 1.00 的源代码可从这里下载。