Pidgin 2.2.0 版发布

支持多种协议的即时通讯软件 Pidgin 已经发布了 2.2.0 版。该版本引入了 Google 代码之夏的一些成果,添加了 MySpaceIM 新协议的支持,为 XMPP 协议增添了新的特性,加入了新的证书管理功能。另外,还修正了一些 bug。


下面是引用自官方的 Pidgin 2.2.0 详细更新记录,供大家参考:

- New protocol plugin: MySpaceIM (Jeff Connelly, Google Summer of Code)
- XMPP enhancements. See (Andreas Monitzer, Google Summer of Code for Adium)
- Certificate management. Libpurple will validate certificates on SSL-encrypted protocols (William Ehlhardt, Google Summer of Code)
- Some adjustments were made to fix sending messages when using the MSN HTTP method. (Laszlo Pandy)
- Yahoo! Chat is fixed.
- Some AIM file transfer issues between Pidgin and other clients have been fixed. (Kyryll A Mirnenko)
- Properly restore idle status and time for AIM and ICQ accounts when they reconnect after being disconnected.

- Insert Horizontal Rules and Strikethrough text from toolbar.
- Option to show protocol icons in the buddy list, from the Buddies > Show menu. (Justin Heiner)
- Ability to build with native, non-X11 GTK+ on OSX. (Anders Hasselqvist)
- Remember the 'Enable Sounds' setting for a conversation.
- Right-clicking the empty space in the formatting toolbar allows you to toggle back to the old "ungrouped" version.
- Protocols supporting account registration via Pidgin now show a descriptive checkbox instead of a vague "Register" button.
- Fixed a bug where a tab would be shown on single conversations when tabs were disabled.

- Per-conversation mute and logging options (accessible from the menu).

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