Flash Player 9 for Linux Beta 2
Adobe 在今天放出了 Linux 平台上的 Flash Player 9 的第二个测试版,现在的版本号为。据介绍,该版本修复了上一版中的许多 Bug,最主要是现在解决了音频输出的问题。但 Flash Player 9 Beta 2 依旧没有包含对于全屏模式特性的支持。
在 Flash Player 9 Beta 2 中修正的 Bug 详细列表如下:
- ALSA 2-second stopper problem
- Leaking X11 connections
- Flash crashes with X COMPOSITE
- Asian characters are not displaying as expceted
- Artifacts when initially playing + video stream freeze when selecting second video clip
- Device text rendering performance is less than optimal
- OS freeze right clicking flash movie after clicking another active link
- browser crashes when trying to run use getters or setters from a different scope
- in all the System.codePage 'FileReference', when user attempts to browse, a CRASH is generated
- Mandriva 2006. Installing libflashplayer.so crashes browser
- GUI not rendering correctly. Green out edges on inner frames.
- wipe effect doesn't look right on components if they have no descenders
- Some part of the image is shown out of panel
- Clipping and Masking is not working correctly for Flex Containers when you scroll Text
- Text can become garbled when window redraws.
- Browser hangs
- Crash accessing flash game
- ALT key does not function in Linux player. (Ubuntu, others?)
- RichTextEditor's formatting are not preserved during cut/copy/paste only in linux player
- Selection copy won't paste into Flash.
- activate, deactivate, mouseLeave events don't get fired when clicking inside/outside the player instance
- caps lock and num lock are detected when flash player instance, or even the browser, does not have focus
- change event not triggered when entering text in text field
从这里下载 Flash Player 9 Beta 2 来更新你当前的 Flash Player 吧。