Deluge 已更新到 版
Deluge 可以说是我目前在 Linux 下首选的 BitTorrent 下载工具,这个软件的开发一直都比较活跃,其开发者也在不断加以改进,使之更加完善。在本周一推出 0.5.4 后,Deluge 于今日再次获得了更新。
Deluge 为用户带来了一些细小的改进,主要包括:
- Add "Open containing folder" and "Open File" to the torrent and file menu, respectively
- Load Blocklist plugin last and have it not lock up the interface during import
- Add full allocation to preferences for clarification
- Catch SIGINT, SIGHUP, SIGTERM and Gnome logoff to quit properly
- Add send local info to developers
- Fix up pieces, peers and files plugins
- UPnP fixes
- Add ExtraStats plugin
- FreeBSD full allocation fix
- Added per torrent max upload slots and max connections preferences
- A lot of other less visible improvements
你依然可以下载到 Deluge 为 Debian、Ubuntu、Gentoo 所打的二进制包。其他 Linux 系统则可以下载源码包。